Sensory studies arises at the conjuncture (and within) the fields of anthropology • sociology • history • archeology • geography • communications • religion • philosophy • literature • art history • museology • film • mixed media • performance • phenomenology • disability • aesthetics • architecture • urbanism • design

Sensory Studies can also be divided along sensory lines into, for example, visual culture, auditory culture (or sound studies), smell culture, taste culture and the culture of touch, not to mention the sixth sense (however it might be defined)

Books of Note 2010

Acoustic Territories: Sound Culture and Everyday Life
by Brandon Labelle

Alimentary Tracts: Appetites, Aversions and the Postcolonial
by Parama Roy
Duke University Press

An Archaeology of the Senses: Prehistoric Malta
by Robin Skeates
Oxford University Press

Art, History and the Senses: 1830 to the Present
edited by Patrizia di Bello and Gabriel Koureas

Art, Museums and Touch (Rethinking Art’s Histories Series)
by Fiona Candlin,
Manchester University Press

Autism and the Edges of the Known World: Sensitivities, Language, and Constructed Reality
by Olga Bogdashina
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Cinesonica: Sounding Film and Video
by Andy Birdwhistle
Manchester University Press

Culture of Diagram
by John Bender and Michael Marrinan
Stanford University Press

Empty Pleasures: The Story of Artificial Sweeteners from Saccharin to Splenda
by Carolyn de la Peña
University of North Carolina Press

Everyday Life in Asia: Social Perspectives on the Senses
edited by Devorah Kalekin-Fishman and Kelvin E.Y. Low

Experience, Evidence, and Sense: The Hidden Cultural Legacy of English
by Anna Wierzbicka
Oxford University Press

Geographies of Rhythm: Nature, Place, Mobilities and Bodies
by Tim Edensor

Helmholtz: From Enlightenment to Neuroscience
by Michael Meulders
The MIT Press

The Hidden Sense: Synesthesia in Art and Science
by Cretien van Campen
MIT Press

Knowing Shakespeare: Senses, Embodiment and Cognition
edited by Lowell Gallagher and Shankar Raman
Palgrave Macmillan

Pleasure and Danger in Perception: The Five Senses in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
edited by Corine Schleif and Richard Newhauser
Special Issue of The Senses and Society, 5(1)

The Provocation of the Senses in Contemporary Theatre
by Stephen Di Benedetto

Reason and Resonance: A History of Modern Aurality
by Veit Erlmann
Zone Books

Rethinking Disability: Bodies, Senses and Things
by Michael Schillmeier

The Sensory World of Italian Renaissance Art
by François Quiviger
Reaktion Books

The Sensual Icon: Space, Ritual and the Senses in Byzantium
by Bissera Pentcheva
Pennsylvania State University Press

Sound: A Reader in Theatre Practice
by Ross Brown

Stumbling Blocks Before the Blind: Medieval Constructions of a Disability
by Edward Wheatley
The University of Michigan Press

Suffering and Sentiment: Exploring the Vicissitudes of Experience and Pain in Yap
by C. Jason Throop
University of California Press